
Option Analysis




About Course

For a seasoned trader, Option Analysis plays a significant role. Options are basically
designed for hedging but now the scope has broadened to short-term trading as
well. Index option volumes show the rise of interest in option trading.
Under this, we cover option chain analysis, Open Interest Analysis, and directional &
non-directional strategies.

  • Option Chain Analysis
    We will guide you in the Options Matrix where you will learn about all the potential
    options contracts for specific securities. During a specific maturity period, it
    showcases every listed put and call option, along with their respective expiration
    dates, strike prices, as well as volume and pricing details for a particular underlying
  • Open Interest Analysis
    In this course, we will help you understand the concept of how open interest works
    as an indicator to analyse trends and trend reversals that will help you for future as
    well as options markets. By the end of the course duration, you can easily evaluate
    the strength of the market by using various measures.
  • Directional Strategies
    You can also have a grasp over directional strategies under the option analysis
    course where you get to strengthen your financial standing based on the direction
    of the market.
  • Non-Directional Strategies
    They are usually used when the trader is under the impression that the stock will
    remain flat or doesn’t have a robust direction to follow. Now master this art of
    neutral strategies with a deep understanding of option analysis.
    Course fee: ₹ 30,000
  • Our online classes will take place every Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday in 2 batches. You can attend any of these batches at your convenience:
    Batch 1: 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
    Batch 2: 07:00 PM to 09:00 PM
    In addition to this, if you cannot attend the online class, the recording of the same will be available for your later consumption for a month.


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