The entire economy of the United States of America went haywire when the market faced an economic recession. Words like “CDO,” ‘CDO-squared,’ and “tranches” were being besprinkled. But even more than a decade after the exodus of numerous banks, people still google “2008 financial crisis was faced by which country the most” or “what steps could the government have taken to prevent it.” Still, the question arises – were we the root cause of the biggest financial crisis since the great depression?
The 2008 financial crisis was a major global event that sparked an economic recession not just in the United States but worldwide. It resulted from a combination of factors, including a housing market bubble, risky lending practices, and a lack of regulation in the financial sector. This 2008 financial crisis is also referred to as the US financial recession or the 2008 recession. The impact of the crisis was widespread, with many countries faced with severe economic downturns and overall job losses. The market collapse led to 10 million Americans being displaced, and unemployment started kicking in.
During this dark phase in the history of the US economy, many banks faced the brunt of the financial collapse, especially the Lehman Brothers. Lehman Brothers, once one of the largest investment banks in the world, failed due to a combination of factors, including risky business practices and a lack of sufficient capital to weather the 2008 financial crisis. Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday, September 15, 2008. The bank’s downfall upheld the famous doctrine of “Too big to fail.”
The whole economy was in disarray, primarily because of one financial instrument called CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligations). We shall now venture into the realm of CDOs and tranches, but before we begin, we must understand what financial instruments are.
What are financial instruments?

Financial instruments are products used to manage risk, invest, or raise capital. Some financial instruments examples include stocks, bonds, options, futures, swaps, and derivatives. Concerning the 2008 recession, we shall focus on CDOs and tranches.
A CDO is a type of security backed by a pool of underlying assets, such as mortgages, credit card debt, or other forms of consumer debt. The underlying assets are divided into several tranches, each with different levels of risk and returns. The tranches are then sold as separate securities, allowing investors to invest in the specific level of risk they are comfortable with. These CDOs were then secured by another CDO, termed CDO squared. The default in one CDO led to a bankruptcy chain, and the entire country was in shambles before you knew it.
After the dust settled and the economy was no longer in turmoil, banks started selling CDOs again under Bespoke Tranche Opportunities. CDOs and bespoke portfolios are related because both are types of financial instruments that involve pooling and repackaging assets for investment purposes.
Financial security – A Necessity
The question remains, could the 2008 financial crisis have been prevented if people had been more financially secure? Financial security can be defined as having a stable income, sufficient savings, and low debt levels. When people have financial security, they are less likely to be vulnerable to financial shocks and better equipped to weather economic downturns. The 2008 financial crisis highlighted the importance of financial security and its potential impact on the financial system’s stability.
One of the main contributing factors to the 2008 financial crisis was the availability of subprime mortgages. These loans were made to individuals with poor credit histories or low income who were considered high-risk borrowers. The subprime mortgage market was fueled by cheap credit, making it easier for individuals to obtain these types of loans. However, as the housing market began to decline and interest rates rose, many subprime borrowers could not repay their loans, leading to a wave of foreclosures and further destabilizing the housing market and the financial system.
If people were more financially secure, they might have been less likely to take on subprime mortgages, reducing the number of subprime borrowers and the overall risk in the financial system. Greater financial security among individuals could have played a role in preventing the escalation of the 2008 financial crisis and potentially reducing the severity of its impact.
Financial literacy also plays a crucial role in promoting financial security among individuals. Financial literacy is the knowledge and understanding of personal finance, including budgeting, savings, investments, and debt management. When people have a high level of financial literacy, they are better equipped to make informed financial decisions and avoid risky lending practices such as subprime mortgages. Companies like Logical Nivesh specialize in promoting financial literacy and can play a crucial role in empowering individuals to achieve financial security by providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed financial decisions.
Furthermore, greater financial security among individuals could have helped promote stability in the financial system. When people have savings and investments, they are less likely to be vulnerable to financial shocks and better positioned to weather economic downturns. This, in turn, can help reduce the overall risk in the financial system, as the overall financial health of individuals is closely tied to the financial system’s stability as a whole.
The 2008 financial crisis, which was faced by many countries, was a complex event that had far-reaching consequences. The 2008 financial crisis explained by the media primarily focused on the fact that there was a lack of standards during the appropriation of houses, which was, in fact, a subset of a combination of factors, including a housing market bubble, risky lending practices, and a lack of regulation in the financial sector. However, greater financial security among individuals could have reduced the severity of its impact and prevented its escalation. By promoting financial literacy and stability, we can help to reduce the risk of future financial crises and promote stability in the financial system.
While greater financial security among individuals could not have prevented the 2008 financial crisis entirely, it may have reduced the severity of its impact and prevented its escalation. By reducing the number of subprime borrowers and promoting stability in the financial system, greater financial security among individuals could have played a role in preventing the crisis. Finance companies like Logical Nivesh can play a crucial role in promoting economic security and stability by empowering individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed financial decisions. By promoting greater financial security and literacy, we can help to reduce the risk of future financial crises and promote stability in the financial system.